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Practical application of Excel

General data

Course ID: 2400-ZU1INF12
Erasmus code / ISCED: 14.3 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (0311) Economics The ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) code has been designed by UNESCO.
Course title: Practical application of Excel
Name in Polish: Praktyczne zastosowanie Excela
Organizational unit: Faculty of Economic Sciences
Course groups: Information Technology - Modules. I-year extramural students
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 2.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: Polish
Type of course:

optional courses

Short description:

Purpose of those classes is to acquaint participants with practical application of Excel in their daily work. Students will learn how to use both basic Excel functions and more complicated complex functions. Each next classes will be making use of previous ones. Content will embrace also pivot tables, solver tool, generating random numbers and import files procedure. Last classes will be dedicated to non-standard charts that can be created in Excel.

Students will obtain one file with six modules. Each module (set of modules) will be protected with password, provided before each classes. Each module will consist of self-study guide and tasks to be solved by students themselves.

Full description:

Classes 1-3 – Excel functions that are most often used at daily work – text functions, date functions, conditional counting and summing functions, search functions, function if and logical operators, error handling functions. A lot of tasks will be dedicated to complex functions that will be making use of functions mentioned above and allowing to perform more complicated operations.

Classes 4-5 – Importing external files, text to columns, pivot tables (inserting, changing views, different value presence, calculated fields), solver tool, generating random numbers

Classes 6 – Non-standard charts in Excel


Walkenbach J., Excel 2010 PL. Programowanie w VBA. Vademecum Walkenbacha, Helion, 2011

Gonet M., Zrozumieć Excela. Funkcje i wyrażenia, Helion 2019

Learning outcomes:

Course is supposed to prepare attendants to effective work with Excel, teach how to select appropriate function and expedite daily work.

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

Form of classification: Final colloquium.

Classes in period "Winter semester 2023/24" (past)

Time span: 2023-10-01 - 2024-01-28
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Seminar, 12 hours more information
Coordinators: Igor Rębas
Group instructors: Igor Rębas
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - Grading
Seminar - Grading
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