Uniwersytet Warszawski - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

African Proverbs

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: 3600-AP-OG
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (brak danych)
Nazwa przedmiotu: African Proverbs
Jednostka: Wydział Orientalistyczny
Grupy: Przedmioty ogólnouniwersyteckie humanistyczne
Przedmioty ogólnouniwersyteckie na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim
Wydział Orientalistyczny - przedmioty ogólnouniwersyteckie
Punkty ECTS i inne: (brak) Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

zobacz reguły punktacji
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Rodzaj przedmiotu:


Tryb prowadzenia:

mieszany: w sali i zdalnie
w sali

Skrócony opis:

It is a course in the form of a seminar with lecture elements. The aim of the course is to provide basic general information about African proverbs and languages in which they are formulated with a particular focus on the Hausa language in Nigeria. Basic information in the field of paremiology will be demonstrated in order to make participants understand its research aims as a scientific discipline and to be able to understand and use selected specialist terms in the field of linguistics and paremiology. Participants will be asked to use the tools for learning and analyzing African languages and their proverbs (traditional and electronic dictionaries, lexicons, language corpora, databases, etc.) and to present topics related to African proverbs in English. Graduates will be prepared to analyze proverbs in terms of structure, meaning and cultural context. Meaning and role of proverbs as means of communication in contemporary African languages will be discussed.

Pełny opis:

It is a course in the form of a seminar with lecture elements. The aim of the course is to provide basic general information about African proverbs and languages in which they are formulated with a particular focus on the Hausa language in Nigeria. Also some examples of Swahili, Nigerian Pidgin English and Arabic proverbs will be presented during the course. The participants will be able to list some of the most important African languages and ethnic groups. Basic information in the field of paremiology will be demonstrated in order to make participants understand its research aims as a scientific discipline and to be able to understand and use selected specialist terms in the field of cultural linguistics and paremiology, i.a. linguistic view of the world, culture key words, conceptual metaphor, discourse. The course is focused on shaping participants’ awareness of linguistic diversity and its impact on the cultural and political situation in the world. Participants will be asked to use the tools for learning and analyzing African languages and their proverbs (traditional and electronic dictionaries, lexicons, language corpora, databases, etc.) and to present topics related to African proverbs in English. Graduates will be prepared to analyze proverbs in terms of structure, meaning and cultural context as well as will be able to notice the differences and similarities between proverbs in African languages and proverbs in other languages. They will understand the concept of cultural distance and value of linguistic data in its analysis. Meaning and role of proverbs as means of communication in contemporary African languages will be discussed. The course will emphasize the value and importance of African proverbs as part of the traditions of individual ethnic groups and as the part of the world’s cultural heritage.


Baldi, Sergio. 2012. „Body parts in Hausa proverbs”. Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures 46 (7-21).

Baldi, Sergio. 2015. „Proverbs as an Educational Factor in Hausa Society”. Selected Proceedings of the Symposium on West African Languages, red. Gian Claudio Batic i Sergio Baldi. Napoli: Università Degli Studi Di Napoli “L’Orientale” Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo. 249-265.

Chinonye, O. J. 2020. Igbo Proverbs, Idioms and parables. Online: https://www.igboguide.org/guests/igbo-proverbs.htm#:~:text=Professor%20Albert%20Chinualumogu%20Achebe%2C%20one,a%20people%20in%20a%20nutshell.

Dundes, Alan. 1975. “On the Structure of the Proverb”. Proverbium 25. 961-973.

Gidley, C. G. B. 1974. „Karin Magana and Amanci as Features of Hausa Sayings”. African Language Studies 15. 81-96.

Górska, Elżbieta. 2016. „The Image of the World in Polish and Arabic Proverbs as a Contribution to Research in the Filed of Comparative Paremiology – a Preliminary Outline”. Rocznik Orientalistyczny 69(2). 65-76.

Hrisztova-Gotthardt, Hirsztalina i Melita Aleksa Varga. 2015. Introduction to Paremiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies. Warsaw – Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

Jang, Tae-Sang. 2002. „Aspects of Poetic Balance and Cohesion in Hausa Proverbs”. Journal of African Cultural Studies 15(2). 215-236.

Kayange, Grivas Muchineripi. 2014. „Understanding the semantics of Chichewa proverbs in the light of contemporary philosophy of language”, Journal of African Cultural Studies 25 (2). 220-233.

Lauhakangas, Outi. 2001. Matti Kuusi International Type System of Proverbs (Communications 275). Vammala: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.

Madauci, Ibrahim, Yahaya Isa i Bello Daura. 1968. Hausa Customs. Zaria: Northern Nigerian Publishing Company.

Mensah, E. 2013. "Proverbs in Nigerian Pidgin" Journal of Anthropological Research 69(1). 87-115.

Messenger Jr., John C. 1959. „The role of proverbs in a Nigerian judical system”. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 15(1). 64-73.

Okwelume, Obii. 2017. Drumbeats. The Proverbs of Africa. Lagos: Narrative Landscape Press.

Omoera, Osakue Stevenson i Bridget Obiaozor Inegbeboh. 2013. „Context of Usage and Aesthetics of Selected Proverbs from Southern Nigeria”, Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa 4(1). 16-30.

Smits, Heleen. 2019-2020. Proverbs in African Languages (dossier). https://www.ascleiden.nl/content/webdossiers/proverbs-african-languages [22.02.2021].

A Selection of Common Swahili Proverbs/Sayings/Maxims and Riddles. 2022. Online: https://www.kiswahili.net/3-reference-works/proverbs-and-riddles/proverbs-content.html

Efekty uczenia się:


- the graduate has basic general knowledge about African languages and their proverbs (K_W12)

- the graduate is aware of linguistic diversity and its impact on the cultural and political situation in the world (K_W14)

- the graduate has basic knowledge about paremiology and understands its research aims

- the graduate lists selected (major) African languages and ethnic groups


- the graduate is able to fluently use the tools for learning and analyzing African languages and their proverbs (traditional and electronic dictionaries, lexicons, language corpora, databases, etc.) (K_U16)

- the graduate has the ability to present issues related to proverbs of Africa in English (K_U21)

- a graduate is able to use selected specialist terms in the field of cultural linguistics and paremiology

- a graduate is able to analyze proverbs in terms of structure, meaning and cultural context


- the graduate is able to establish contacts and cooperate with representatives of different cultures (K_K03)

- the graduate sees the need to conduct intercultural dialogue (K_K06)

- the graduate understands the meaning and role of proverbs as means of communication in contemporary African languages

- the graduate recognizes the value and importance of African proverbs as part of the traditions of individual ethnic groups and as the part of the world cultural heritage

- the graduate notices the differences and similarities between proverbs in African languages and proverbs in other languages, indicates some of their sources

Metody i kryteria oceniania:

1. Final test consisting of open-ended and single-choice questions.

2. Homework - written assignment of length up to 3000 characters with spaces about a selected African language and culture and its proverbs. It will be assessed based on the content and timely delivery of work. Completion of this task is the first condition for admission to the final test.

3. Delivering one communiqué on a selected African language and culture and its proverbs (20+ min.) is the second condition for admission to the final test.

4. Attendance control - three absences per semester are allowed; in the event of an absence due to illness, a medical certificate justifying the absence should be submitted within seven working days from the date of termination of the sick leave indicated therein. Attending classes is the third condition for admission to the final test.

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