Communication, Education and Cooperation
Informacje ogólne
Kod przedmiotu: | 4030-CEC |
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: |
Nazwa przedmiotu: | Communication, Education and Cooperation |
Jednostka: | Uniwersyteckie Centrum Badań nad Środowiskiem Przyrodniczym i Zrównoważonym Rozwojem |
Grupy: |
Sustainable Development, elective workshops, 2nd cycle programme, 1st year, 2nd semester Sustainable Development, obligatory courses, offered by the UCBS |
Punkty ECTS i inne: |
Język prowadzenia: | angielski |
Rodzaj przedmiotu: | obowiązkowe |
Tryb prowadzenia: | w sali i w terenie |
Skrócony opis: |
Since the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 20130 are addressed to all citizens of the world the communication, education and cooperation are essential for their achievement. Education for sustainable development (ESD) is acknowledge as an crucial factor in achieving sustainability. The objective of this module is to equip students with knowledge of ESD international implication as well as practical skills focused on effective co-operation with external stakeholders and knowledge transfer to business and public institutions. The important part of this module is project realisation. Students will learn the whole process of preparation, realisation and presentation of the project. |
Pełny opis: |
The objective of this module is to equip students with knowledge of ESD international implication as well as practical skills focused on effective co-operation with external stakeholders and knowledge transfer to business and public institutions. Group discussions and in class activities will be a large aspect of the course. During the course the students will learn the concept of "ecological education" on the international arena was shaping from Stockholm 72 to the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 and 17 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs. Organization of formal education at various levels of teaching (including the view of curriculum and diversity in higher education) will be presented and discussed. Forms of implementation together with a range of didactic tools review will be undertaken. The overview of major NGOs and their programs will be untaken. ESD as and part of CSR will be considered. During group discussion and in-class activities students will consider following issues: Ecological awareness - definitions, possibilities of measurement. Education of the state of ecological awareness in Poland and in the world. Unintentional education - the role of media and economic instruments. Methods of evaluation and monitoring of the ecological effect of educational activities. Access to information and forms of public participation in environmental protection. The role of social communication in the field of environmental protection and nature protection. Methods of financing and expenditures on environmental education. An important part of that course will be development of practical educational projects which can be implemented at University of Warsaw eg. Green Office Model, ZeroWaste University, Fairtrade University, Eco-University. |
Literatura: |
• E.U. von Weizsaker, A. Wijkman; Come on! Capitalismm, Short-termirmism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet, Springer Science + Business Media LLC 2018. • P.H. Koehn, J.I.UITTO; Universities and the Sustainable Development Future. Evaluating Higher-Education Contribution to The 2030 Agenda, Earthscan from Routledge, 2017. • Ten Years of the UNECE Strategy for Education for Development - Evaluation report on the implementation of the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development from 2005 to 2015; UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2016. • UNECE United Nation Economic Commission for Europe • Roadmap for Implenting Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development available at the UNESCO website: |
Efekty uczenia się: |
After finishing the course the student: - recognizes the problems and challenges of sustainable development and can choose educational methods and tools that lead to achievement Sustainable Development Goals at various implementation levels of education for sustainable development; - knows how to apply an interdisciplinary approach to the education of a environmental protection and sustainable development; - knows where to look for reliable sources of information and databases, and can verify this data; - ask critical questions and find appropriate solutions; - use social communication methods as well as promotion and education in activities implementing sustainable development solutions; - undertaking practical activities towards implementing sustainable development solutions; participate in academic debates and practical on sustainable development issues; - value a willingness to work both independently and in teams when required; - build, participate in, and manage teams successfully; - participate in group work, create and work in teams; - build correct relationships in the group; - use new technologies and media in effective communication (art of public speaking) and self-presentation. K_W01; K_W02; K_W04; K_W07; K_W10 K_U01; K_U03; K_U04; K_U05; K_U07; K_U08 K_K01; K_K02; K_K03; K_K05; K_K06 |
Metody i kryteria oceniania: |
Assessment methods and criteria: Continuous assessment of engagement in class activities. One short presentations (15 minutes) on the topic: inspiration for SD/ESD. Attendance – two absences are allowed, every next one lowers the final assessment by grade |
Praktyki zawodowe: |
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Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2023/24" (zakończony)
Okres: | 2024-02-19 - 2024-06-16 |
Przejdź do planu
PT |
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 45 godzin
Koordynatorzy: | Anna Batorczak | |
Prowadzący grup: | Anna Batorczak | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: | Zaliczenie na ocenę |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2024/25" (jeszcze nie rozpoczęty)
Okres: | 2025-02-17 - 2025-06-08 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 45 godzin
Koordynatorzy: | Anna Batorczak | |
Prowadzący grup: | Anna Batorczak | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: | Zaliczenie na ocenę |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Uniwersytet Warszawski.