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English - upper intermediate level, traditional language course [4024-ANGOB2] Winter semester 2022/23
Foreign language classes, group no.2

This page describes a class group. If you're looking for information on course see course homepage
Course: English - upper intermediate level, traditional language course [4024-ANGOB2]
Class: Winter semester 2022/23 [2022Z] (past)
Foreign language classes [LEK], group no.2 [other groups]
Times and places: This is only approximate timeframe information. If you want to be sure, contact the lecturer. Irregularities in schedules are more frequent in case of classes taking place less often (more than a week between each other).
every Tuesday, 8:30 - 10:00
room 24
Teaching and Learning Facility – 20 Podchorążych Street what is the address?
every Thursday, 8:30 - 10:00
room 24
Teaching and Learning Facility – 20 Podchorążych Street what is the address?
Nearest dates: Click on the date to see week schedule with class group meeting. All classes for this group have already took place - show all dates.
Date and locationLecturers
Number of students: 20
Places available: 20
Examination: Grading
Lecturer: Ewa Kościuk

Main Coursebook: Speakout, Upper Intermediate, Flexi Course Book 1, Frances Eales, Steve Oakes, Louis Harrison, Pearson, 2nd Edition.

Selected texts from: Academic Encounters, Bernard Seal

Here is the News, Barbara i Marcin Otto

Successful Writing, Virginia Evans

Reading Skills for the Social Sciences, Louann Haarman, Patrick Lech, Janett Murray

BBC News, CNN Programmes

Authentic Audio Recordings and Films from BBC World, BBC Prime

Auxiliary Materials: English Vocabulary in Use Intermediate, M. McCarthy and F. O’Dell, CUP

Dictionary of Collocations, Longman Advanced Dictionary

Advanced Language Practice, Michael Vince, Mcmillan

The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology, Penguin Books

The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology, Penguin Books

List of topics:

New Activities / Hobbies.

Forms of Participation in Social Media.

Problems of Contemporary World: Immigrants, Famine, Addictions.

Unemployment, esp. among University Graduates.

How to write an advertisement - characteristics of formal style.

Most interesting stories. How to Create interesting narration.

How to spend free time in a useful way.

How to write an essay. Linking expressions.

Challenges of Contemporary World(personal challenges); inventions.

How to setup a company – ABC.

How to Introduce a new product.

Unemployment as social phenomenon. Reasons and ways to combat it.

How to write a report.

Strikes and demonstrations as ways of social frustration.

Aggression: sources and types

Teaching methods:

Course based on an ecclectic method, including numerous methods of teaching and learning, emphasizing oral communication and lexical elements. Thematic approach, referring to individual experience and students’ feelings, developing their competence to give opinions on various topics. Introduction and consolidation of grammar rules and structures. Intensive developement of four basic language skills based on authentic materials, texts and recordings. Active work in pairs and small groups. Approach which enables individualization of teaching and learning methods. Development of interpretation abilities to present data in the form of diagrams, tables and charts. Giving presentations, participation in discussions.

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

The final grade is drawn from following components:

Attendance and activity (performance) in the classroom: 25% of the grade

Test results, partial tests, homework: 25% of the grade

Final test results: 50% of the grade.

To obtain credits for the course one must demonstrate achievement in each of the above categories. If a student happens to receive 0% in any of the above-mentioned categories he/she is not eligible to receive credits.

Grading scale

99 - 100% Grade: 5!

93 - 98% Grade: 5

87 - 92% Grade: 4+

77 - 86% Grade: 4

71 - 76% Grade: 3+

60 - 70% Grade: 3

On completion of a 60-hour-course students receive 2 ECTS points. In the case of 60-hour foreign language courses (30 x 2 hours), three unexplained absences are allowed. In the case of 30-hour courses two unexplained absences are allowed. Missed classes should be made up for according to the standards and requirements outlined by the teacher at the beginning of the course.

Blended courses (50% of teaching and learning takes place in the classroom and 50% online)

The final grade is drawn from the following components:

Obligatory activities on the Moodle / Internet platform: 40%

Final test: 30%

Attendance and activity (performance) in the classroom / in face-to-face classes: 30%


In case it is required, classes will be run online using platform KAMPUS 2 and ZOOM.

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