Uniwersytet Warszawski - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Courses offered for ISSC field of study in the academic year 2023/2024 (grupa przedmiotów zdefiniowana przez Wydział "Artes Liberales")

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Grupa przedmiotów: Courses offered for ISSC field of study in the academic year 2023/2024
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2023Z - Semestr zimowy 2023/24
2023L - Semestr letni 2023/24
2023 - Rok akademicki 2023/24
(zajęcia mogą być semestralne, trymestralne lub roczne)
2023Z 2023L 2023
3700-ISSC-23-AJW2 brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Rok akademicki 2023/24
  • Warsztaty - 45 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

This practical workshop will be devoted to the techniques of writing academic and journalistic texts, particularly to clearly formulating thoughts, the structure of various types of press and academic articles, and using sources appropriately. Students will be asked to write several short pieces in class or as home assignments and two several page long ones (one academic, one journalistic) as homework.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-ICE brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The purpose of the course is to provide students with a broad overview about history, political developments, identity, culture, heritage and society of the Central and Eastern Europe.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-AOM brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

Perhaps, each and every action of our everyday lives has as an economic aspect. How we manage our households, what we buy, how we use our time… The course aims at grasping how people use material world to provide for their living and maintain their social groups. How their economic actions are embedded in non-economic factors: values, ethnicity, religious beliefs, etc. Starting from classical case studies and theories, we will investigate a range of topics: work, production, debt, and – first of all – money. Money – be it a note, a plastic card, or a series of digits encoded on our bank account – serves as a key pointer to crucial factor of our social life: how we understand value and what we do with it.

The course will embrace perspectives of different disciplines: social anthropology, philosophy, economics and history.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-BEBMA brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Wykład monograficzny - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

This lecture-based course is designed as an English language proposal for both foreign and Polish students – Doctoral Schools students, MA and BA students of Kolegium "Artes Liberales" and Faculty of "Artes Liberales", and as a general university course - all the students of the University (“ogun”).

Course’s authorial core are lectures designed by prof. dr hab. Jolanta Sujecka, dr Maciej Falski, and dr hab. Michał Moch, Associate Professor of IMOC PAS, in relation to their research work on the Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the Balkans as well as the area of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Northern Africa, as well as the Arab world.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-UHR brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Wykład konwersatoryjny - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

This course will take a multidisciplinary approach and analyze modern "international law" and "human rights" as these ideas developed over human history. We will explore current international and human rights regimes and look at them from historical, philosophical, anthropological, economic, ecological, and sociological perspectives. While the course will offer a solid grounding in understanding modern international architecture, it will equip you with an analysis of the underlying principles and ideas from the point of view of social and biological evolution, economics, and ecology, focusing on current controversies, debates, and contested theories.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-COB brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The course is intended to work out a short history of Western-based capitalism and its main characteristics. It will focus on both an eagle-eye view on European history and a grassroots perspective of looking at social change from below by studying particular case studies. Particular emphasis will be placed on the formation of modern and late-modern European civilization – its foundations, expansions, and crises.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-CSSR brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Wykład - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The lecture is to familiarize the audience with interdisciplinary research on complex systems, the functioning of which is related to the occurrence of the so-called systemic risk.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-PROSEM brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Proseminarium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The seminar will prepare students for writing and defending their master's thesis.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-SEMMAG brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Seminarium magisterskie - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The seminar will prepare students for writing and defending their master's thesis.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-CLCII brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Rok akademicki 2023/24
  • Ćwiczenia - 240 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

Intensive Italian language course – B1-B2 level (according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages - CEFR). This culture and language class has an innovative structure, which allows students to learn about Italian culture, history, and politics in Italian.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-CLCIB2 brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Rok akademicki 2023/24
  • Ćwiczenia - 240 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

Intensive Italian language course – B2+ level (according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages - CEFR). This culture and language class has an innovative structure, which allows students to learn about Italian culture, history, and politics in Italian.

First semester is mainly dedicated to the intensive language course, while second semester will consist of tutorials taught in Italian.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-CLCSI2 brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Rok akademicki 2023/24
  • Ćwiczenia - 120 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

Intensive Spanish language course B2/B2+ level (according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages - CEFR). This culture and language class has an innovative structure, which allows students to learn about Spanish culture, history, and politics in Spanish.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-CLCSB brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Rok akademicki 2023/24
  • Ćwiczenia - 240 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The aim of the course is to help students develop basic communication skills in Spanish at the A1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Additionally, the course introduces students to the basic information about Spanish culture, history, and geography.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-DSC brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Warsztaty - 45 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

This course aims to develop a deeper understanding of selected challenges that we are/will be facing. This will be achieved through a series of interlinked activities: independent work by students (based on a list of suggested readings), a series of debates (possibly formatted as an Oxford Debate) which will provide a forum for exchanging ideas and arguments, and short essays aimed at summarising particular issues.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-DASH brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Rok akademicki 2023/24
  • Seminarium badawcze - 60 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

This multidisciplinary research seminar embraces different areas and methods of inquiry and reflection, from history, linguistics and anthropology to engaged, participatory and decolonizing forms of research and social engagement. The focus of the seminar are ethnic minority/Indigenous cultures and communities, including especially endangered language communities and speakers of contested language from all over the world. The seminar will include the inclusion of perspectives and contexts from the Global South as well as revisionist, critical approaches to studying the Global North. Participants will include MA and PhD students as well as researchers and activists representing different disciplines and fields of expertise. The seminar’s participants will actively engage in pursuing new studies, interpretations, understandings and uses of past and present realities in the multifaceted process of decolonization where the voices of Indigenous people and minority groups are often ignored.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-GRO brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Rok akademicki 2023/24
  • Seminarium - 60 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The main topic of the seminar will be social and economic change. The topic, broad in itself, will be addressed in an interdisciplinary manner from a variety of perspectives, ranging from historical, sociological and anthropological, to economic ones. We will track down the roots of globalization processes and ask about the impact of changes on governments, societies, economies, environments and climate.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-CSC brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

A seminar on the culture of contemporary Spain in a form of seminar in Spanish language.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-IPES brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Wykład - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The course discusses the encounter between the Indigenous People of the Americas – with a focus on the Nahua people of Mesoamerica and the Quechua people of the Andean region – and the Europeans – particularly the Spanish empire – which started in the 16th century and whose outcomes continue to shape the world we live in. Although the first several lectures will be dedicated to presenting an overview of the precolonial history and culture of Mesoamerica and the Andean region, as well as the history of the onset of the Spanish colonization, the main focus of the course will be on the cultural impact of the encounter. In particular, the topic which will be explored during the classes is the conceptualization of the Other, and of oneself, in the circumstances brought about by the encounter, and in the framework of the European Christian, Mesoamerican and Andean religious, philosophical and political worldviews.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-MCS brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 60 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The class aims at showing methods in interpreting cultures, based on modern and original examples. Theories will be shown through practical cases, partly well-known to students and partly vastly exotic.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-MSS brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 60 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The course introduces students to social science research methods. We will go through a wide range of basic research approaches, discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and see results of their practical application in various studies. The course participants will try to translate abstract concepts, such as discrimination, into concrete observable behaviours that can be recorded and analysed. They will face the difficulties of defining the study population and sample selection. They will learn to understand basic descriptive statistics. They will get acquainted with experiments, surveys, the ideas of field and desk research as well as with the basics quantitative and qualitative approaches. They will read results from qualitative interviews (IDI or FGI). The knowledge gained in the course will allow students to understand and critically assess results of social science research, results presented in public reports or claims made in the media.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-MID brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Warsztaty - 45 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The course will introduce students to basic concepts of identity in the context of migration and prepare them to conduct research in this area. It will focus on various nexuses of migration and identity, taking into consideration, place, gender or class as well as their effect on shaping migrants’ lives. We will examine literature and current public discussion on relevant case studies considering migration and identity, in particular politics and identity. Emphasis will be placed on sensitizing students to intersectionality when conducting research and interviews with migrants. Thus, students will do qualitative analysis of their own interview and present it during the classes.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-MIRP brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The course is an introduction to Minority and Indigenous rights, with a particular focus on their implementation. Participants will explore legal instruments to preserve linguistic and cultural heritage and protect communities at risk of marginalization.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-PCIMC brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The purpose of the course is to show students the complex interdependencies and multiple connections between culture and politics. The topics of the course are very diverse, as well as the complexity and diversity of the relationship between politics and culture.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-PIA brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Warsztaty - 45 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

A comprehensive introduction to the research field of anthropology (either cultural or linguistic) is the aim of the course. Special attention will be paid to the problem of sociocultural and linguistic change.

This introduction will be twofold. On the one hand, students will have the opportunity to discover texts that are considered to be classical within the field. It will provide them with an insight into crucial problems and research questions of anthropology, but also get acquainted with its basic theoretical notions.

On the other hand, the participants of the course will learn the ethnographic fieldwork methods (participant observation, narrative interview, autobiographic interview), digital and analog tools used in anthropology, and the ethical aspects of conducting fieldwork. The skills will be acquired and used in practice within individual micro research projects.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-CSP brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

A seminar on the culture of contemporary Spain in a form of seminar in Spanish language.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-SPIC brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Warsztaty - 45 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of the processes of communication and social participation in culturally diverse settings. We will focus especially on interactions in local communities where ethnic diversity, as a result of migration processes, proves an important characteristic. We will look at the potential difficulties to intercultural communication and analyse the barriers to involvement in social activities. We will also study possible actions aimed at building integrative and non-discriminatory encounters between diverse groups. The course will be interdisciplinary in character, drawing i.a. on studies in the fields of sociology, social and intercultural psychology, cultural and migration studies and human geography. Engagement in the course will empower students in their development of both analytical and practical skills in communicating across cultures as well as supporting participative social processes and designing inclusive social activities.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-SSMW brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Warsztaty - 45 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

This course provides a practical overview of the main techniques of collecting and analyzing data in social sciences. Students will have a chance to get hands-on experience in data collection and analysis through designing their own small scale research, collecting data and doing preliminary analysis.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-SLCS brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The aim of the seminar is to deepen and improve the students’ communicative competence in Spanish at the B1 level within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and to get acquainted with Spanish culture, history and geography.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-SLSC brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2023/24
  • Konwersatorium - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

Spanish Literature and Social Change course offers instruction in history of ideas and culture from the perspective of literary texts in the context of Iberian Peninsula from the Enlightenment period to the current times. Its aim is twofold: trace a broad panorama of issues related to the history of ideas and culture from the 18th up to 21th century and analyse a short selection of ground-breaking and decisive social phenomena through the lenses of literary texts and with aid of visual art sources. In doing so, we will be able to see the history of the western part of the Mediterranean area as a response to the broader social and cultural processes in Europe and Western World. The key place in the classes will be given to literary and paraliterary texts understood from the perspective of cultural studies: as social artefact that are both a reflection and a place of negotiation of the key ideas and aesthetic currents in a given community.

Strona przedmiotu
3700-ISSC-23-UTPS brak brak
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
  • Wykład monograficzny - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The course is an introduction to crucial aspects of the history, culture, society, economy, and politics of contemporary Ukraine, as well as their international reception. Thus, it is a problem- rather than disciplinary-oriented.

The course has a unique form, designed to provide (multiple) Ukrainian and international perspectives on the aforementioned issues. Except for elements of lecture and seminar it includes meetings (mostly remote) with Ukrainian artists and scholars, students' presentations, preferably prepared in tandems. Due to the course’s character, Ukrainian students are heartily welcomed. Щиро запрошуємо студентів з України!

The ongoing war in Ukraine may influence the content of the course.

Strona przedmiotu
ul. Banacha 2
02-097 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 55 44 214 https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/
kontakt deklaracja dostępności mapa serwisu USOSweb (2024-06-12)