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Introduction to East African History [2900-MK1-IEAH-OG] Semestr zimowy 2021/22
Wykład, grupa nr 1

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Przedmiot: Introduction to East African History [2900-MK1-IEAH-OG]
Zajęcia: Semestr zimowy 2021/22 [2021Z] (zakończony)
Wykład [WYK], grupa nr 1 [pozostałe grupy]
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każdy czwartek, 15:00 - 16:30
sala 17
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Data i miejsceProwadzący
Liczba osób w grupie: 14
Limit miejsc: 40
Zaliczenie: Zaliczenie na ocenę
Prowadzący: Marek Pawełczak
Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Alpers, Edward, Ivory & Slaves in East Central Africa: Changing Patterns of International Trade to the Later Nineteenth Century, London, 1975

Bang, Anne K., Sufis and Scholars of the Sea. Family Networks in East Africa, 1860-1925, London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003

Bennett, Norman, Arab versus European. Diplomacy and War in Nineteenth East Central Africa, New York, 1986

Bhacker, Reda M., Trade And Empire In Muscat And Zanzibar. The Roots Of British Domination, London: Routledge, 1998

Chrétien, Jan-Paul, The Great Lakes of Africa: Two Thousand Years of History, New York: Zone Books, 2006

Cooper, Frederic, Plantation Slavery on the East Coast of Africa, Yale University Press, 1977

Earle, Jonathon, Colonial Buganda and the End of Empire: Political Thought and Historical Imagination in Africa, Cambridge University Press, 2017

Fair, Laura, Pastimes and Politics: Culture, Community and Identity in Post-abolition Urban Zanzibar, 1890-1945, London: James Currey, 2002

Furedi, Frank, Mau Mau War in Perspective, London: James Currey, 1989

Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P., The French at Kilwa Island. An Episode in Eighteen-century East African History, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965

Glassman, Jonathon, Feasts and Riots. Revelry, Rebellion, and Popular Consciousness on the Swahili Coast, 1856-1888, Social History of Africa, Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 1995

Glassman, Jonathon, War of Words, War of Stones: Racial Thought and Violence in Colonial Zanzibar, Indiana University Press, 2011

Iliffe, John, A Modern History of Tanganyika, Cambridge, 1979

Koponen, Juhani, People and Production in Late Precolonial Tanzania: History and Structures, Uppsala, 1988

Kusimba, Chapurukha, The Rise and Fall of Swahili States, London: Altamira, 1999

LaViolette, Adria and Wynne-Jones, Stephanie (eds), The Swahili World, Routledge, 2020

Low, D. Anthony, Buganda and British overrule: two studies, Oxford University Press, 1960

Middleton, John, The World of the Swahili. An African Mercantile Civilization, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992

Nicolini, Beatrice, Makran, Oman, and Zanzibar: Three-terminal Cultural Corridor in the Western Indian Ocean, 1799-1856, Leiden: Brill, 2004

Pawełczak, Marek, Kenia, Warszawa: Trio, 2004

Pawełczak, Marek, The Sate and the Stateless. The Sultanate of Zanzibar and the East African Mainland: Politics, Economy and Society, 1837-1888, Warszawa: IHUW, 2010

Pearson, Michael, Port Cities and Intruders. The Swahili coast, India, and Portugal in the Early Modern Era, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1998

Pouwels, Randall, Horn and Crescent. Cultural Change and Traditional Islam on the East African Coast, 800-1900, Cambridge University Press, 1987

Prins, A.H.J., Didemic Lamu: Social Stratification and Spatial Structure in a Muslim Maritime Town, Groningen: Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie der Rijksuniversiteit, 1971

Prunier, Gerard, The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide, London: C. Hurst, 1998

Reid, Richard, War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa. The Patterns and Meanings of State-level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century, Eastern African Studies, Oxford: James Currey, 2007

Reid, Richard, Political Power in Pre-colonial Buganda: Economy, Society and Warfare in the 19th Century, London: James Currey, 2002

Rockel, Stephen, Carriers of Culture. Labour on the Road in Nineteenth-Century East Africa, Social History of Africa, Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 2006

Sheriff, Abdul, Slaves, Spices and Ivory in Zanzibar. Integration of an East African Commercial Empire into the World Economy, 1770-1873, London, 1987

Strandes, Justus, The Portuguese Period in East Africa, Nairobi: EALB,1961

Vansina, Jan, Antecedents to Modern Rwanda: The Nyiginya Kingdom, London: James Currey, 2005

Waligórski, Andrzej, Społeczność afrykańska w procesie przemian 1890-1949. Studium wschodnioafrykańskiego plemienia Luo, Warszawa, 1969

Wilkinson, John C., The Imamate Tradition of Oman, Cambridge University Press, 1987

Wrigley, Christopher, Kingship and State: The Buganda Dynasty, Cambridge University Press, 2002

Zakres tematów: (tylko po angielsku)

1. General remarks. The world of the Swahili: the East African coast in the Middle Ages (until ca. 1500)

- Sources for East African history – archeology, linguistics, ethnology, architecture, art, written sources (indigenous and western), oral tradition

- Historical geography of East Africa: the world of interior and the world of the Indian Ocean: climate, soils, ecology, transport and communication, patterns of settlement

- Ethnology of East Africa

- Modes of subsistence

2. The origins of the Swahili culture and its spread

- The role of the Middle Eastern immigrants

- The main town centres over the 2nd Millennium

- Political traditions of the Swahili states

3. Early Modern era: the Portuguese domination

- The Portuguese conquest of East African coast

- The role of the coast in the Portuguese maritime empire

- Patterns of political domination

- Christianisation

- Arab immigration

- African resistance against the Portuguese

4. The Omani period and the Sultanate of Zanzibar

The Omani challenge and the end of the Portuguese rule

- The state of the Mazru'i in Mombasa (until 1837)

- Political developments in Oman and the Indian Ocean region in the 18th century

- European presence in the region during the 18th century

- The Bu Sa'idi dynasty in Oman

- Sa'id Al Bu Sa'idi and his conquest of the East African coast

5. The Sultanate of Zanzibar: international status, government and law

- The international status of the Muscat-Zanzibar state

- The split of Muscat and Zanzibar and its consequences

- The process of abolition of the slave trade

- The local administration and the judicial system. Autonomy of the local communities

- The military forces of Zanzibar

- The evolution of state and society

6. Interior in the 19th century: political processes

- Chiefdoms and states – classification and examples

- The Political evolution of trading societies

- The control over caravan routes

- The immigrant groups and their impact on the indigenous peoples

- Fugitive slaves' communities

- Political patronage

7. The states of the Interlacustrine Region in the 18th and 19th century

– Specifics of the Great Lakes region societies

– The origins and evolution of the region's states (according to the older and new theories)

- The role of the descent groups in the states' organisation; social stratification in the second half of the 19th century

- The status of the ruler (on examples of Kigeri Rwabugiri of Rwanda, Mutesa I of Buganda, and Kabarega of Bunyoro)

- The economic foundations of state organization

- The role of religion in the political life

- Military forces

8. Plantation economy and slavery. The trade of East Africa in the 19th century and its place in the economy of Zanzibar.

– The map of the East African slave trade

- The ethnic structure of slavery

- Plantation economy on the islands and the mainland

- The structure of slavery, the living conditions of slaves

- The Zanzibar slave market

- The legal status of slaves in the Muslim communities

- Slavery in the non-Muslim societies

- The structure of the international trade of Zanzibar

- The Maritime and caravan trade: organization, financing, profitability, infrastructure

- The network of caravan routes

- Customs system and tariffs

9. Scramble for Africa, the forms of African collaboration and resistance

- The first colonial initiatives of the 1870s and 1880s

- The Conference of Berlin 1884/85

- The German annexations

- Delimitation of colonial borders

- The first stage of colonialism: Imperial British East Africa Company and Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesselschaft

- The Anti-German uprising of 1888-1889,

- The three revolutions in Buganda (1888)

- The British Protectorates and German East Africa

- The colonial governments until 1914

- White settlement

- Anti-colonial movements: Mbaruk al-Mazru'i's uprising, Maji Maji, Nyabingo

- The social consequences of colonisation

A – Kenyatta, Daudi Chwa

10-11. Colonialism in Kenya and Tanzania until 1950

- World War I in East Africa and its consequences

- The colonial states under British administration: Kenia, Tanganyika, and Uganda

- The concepts of indirect rule and native authority

- The problems of colonial societies: education, land alienation, urbanisation, ethnic tensions, class formation

- Classification of African political movements

12. Kenya, Tanganyika and Zanzibar after 1950

- The Mau Mau uprising and the election of 1957

- KANU, KADU, and the constitutional negotiations

- Self-government and independence

- The Kenyatta period

- The authoritarian rule of Daniel arap Moi until 1991

- The return of the political pluralism

- The formation of nationalist movements in Tanganyika and Zanzibar

- The independence of Tanganyika and Zanzibar

- Zanzibar revolution of 1964; The political union between Zanzibar and Tanganyika

- Declaration of Arusha and the turn to the left

- Ujamaa: the fiasco of an African socialism

13-14. Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi after 1950

- Social tensions and Baganda separatism

- Political diversity of independent Uganda

- Milton Obote's coup and the first period of his rule

- Idi Amin's dictatorship

- The second period of Obote

- The fall of Obote; Museveni and the National Resistance Movement

- The turn towards democracy and liberal economy

- Lord's Resistance Army

- „Hamitic theory” and its impact on colonial societies

- „Revolution” in Rwanda, the fall of monarchy, and the independence

- The First and Second Republics in Rwanda

- The rule of the Tutsi in Burundi, the fall of monarchy

- Ethnic cleansings and genocide in Rwanda and Burundi before 1994

- The Tutsi and Hutu in Diaspora

- The intrusion of Rwanda Patriotic Army. The civil war 1990-1994

- Arusha agreement

- The genocide in Rwanda in 1994

- The civil war in Burundi until 2000

Metody dydaktyczne: (tylko po angielsku)

Short essays, final test


prof. Marek Pawełczak

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